In Staff View go to the Gradebook top tab to view the list of your classes. If you click on the course code/nickname you will be brought to the Details side tab for your class. "Average Mode" will be shown on this screen.
Note that any changes made below will not impact the calculation of FSM. If you change the average mode then Q1/Q2/Q3 averages shown in the gradebook may change - however, this will only impact the displayed average and *not* the Q1Grade/Q2Grade/MidTerm/
If you're changing the Average Mode you may want to alert students to not be worried about the averages shown in the Academics tab and instead focus on the transcript side tab which contains their true quarter grades.
If you previously were using any of the "Category" methods as your average mode you can update the weights for each category to be 0. If you were previously using "Adjust weights by term" you can do this just for Q4. If you were using any of the category methods and weren't previously using "Adjust weights by term" you can click it and adjust the weights for Q4 only to be 0.
If you were using Total Points you will have to update your Average Mode to "Categories and Assignments." Click the dropdown and choose "Categories and Assignments" and click Save. You will notice that the Categories show up at the bottom of the screen. Make sure the weight for all of them is 0. Leave "Adjust weights by term" unchecked.
With "Categories and Assignments" selected as the Average Mode you will be able to enter a weight when creating assignments. Adjusting the assignment weight to 0 will prevent the assignment from generating a category average. The 1 in the screenshot below would be updated to 0.
Adjusting category and assignment weights to 0 will make categories not keep a running average (due to assignment weights of 0) and Q4 to not keep a total average (due to category weights of 0).
This adjustment will have to be made for each of your sections. You can use the arrow icon in the upper right to quickly switch between sections without having to go back to the class list. Update the Average Mode, save, then go to the next class.