As a guardian, you can receive email summaries showing your student’s progress in classroom.  

  • You can choose the frequency of the emails, such as daily or weekly.
    Note: Daily means Monday to Friday. You won't receive email summaries on Saturdays or Sundays.

  • You can unsubscribe or remove yourself from Classroom at any time.

Guardian email summaries include:

  • Missing work—Work that’s late at the time the email was sent

  • Upcoming work—Work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or work that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails)

  • Class activity—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers

As a guardian, you must receive and accept an email invitation before you can receive email summaries. Only teachers and administrators from your student’s school can send these invitations. 

You have 120 days to accept an invitation before it expires.

  1. The teacher or administrator emails you an invitation for a particular student.
    They can send it to any email address.

  2. In your email program, open your email invitation.

  3. Click Accept.
    If you’re not the guardian, click I’m Not The Guardian.

  1. Click Accept again.

  2. (Optional) To access the email summary settings page, you must have or create a Google Account

When you accept an invitation, your student receives an email confirmation.