When creating an event in Google Calendar there is the option to add Conferencing.  Clicking that will create a Google Meet.

Click the down arrow to see more options.  This will allow you to click "Add live stream" and provide you with a link you can share with others.  Note that anyone with the link will be able to join.

You can click the icon next to the address to copy the link to your clipboard to be pasted (Ctrl V or right click > Paste) in an email or elsewhere.

Once you'd like to start the meeting, either join the meeting from your calendar or go to https://meet.google.com which will show your upcoming meetings.  Join from there.

Once joined, at the top of the screen is a message indicating the organizer schedule it to be streamed.  Click on Start Streaming to begin the stream.  

In the bottom right you can click on "Present" to present the contents of the screen to the stream instead of your video feed.

In addition, you can click the dots in the lower right to begin recording the meeting if you want to share it once the meeting is complete.